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Export into a zip file

This option exports a dataset and configuration settings into a single zip file. This is useful to keep the package permanently on your local disk and to share it with others.

Each zip package contains two files below:


  • config.js

Import from a zip file

Click the Import button in the menu bar, and upload a zip file previously exported.

Embed into your pages

This option exports a dataset, configuration settings, and essential JavaScript packages together. With this JavaScript file, you can embed the visualization into a HTML code as follows:

Load scripts in the header of the your html:

<script src=''></script>

Place div tag with id='blitzboard':

<div style="width:100%; height: 500px;" id='blitzboard'></div>

Download <name>_<datetime>.js, and add this file path after the items above:

<script src='./<name>_<datetime>.js'></script>

You can also call the API with graph data (in .pg format) and config:

let blitzboard = new Blitzboard(document.getElementById('blitzboard'));
blitzboard.update(pg, config);

Last updated